Birds, according to a wildlife rehaber

General Info

This page will focus primarily on the unqiue personalities of various birds you only get to see when you have to put up with them as a full time job. It will evetually include illustrations, bird call audio, and some other fun stuff.

I've done my best to explain terms as I use them, but since you'll probably read these out of order, I'll go over a few vocabulary words.

Important notices

If you find an animal in need of help, do NOT attempt to adminster it yourself. There are SO many ways to accidentally murder animals if you don't understand enough about them. Baby birds will get fluid in their lungs if you don't shove food and water far enough down their *very* small and fragile throats, and other animals have similar issues as well. There's also many cases where an animal that appears to be an abandoned baby is just waiting for its parents to come back, so moving it could lower the chances of its surival since bird parents are typically a bit better at raising baby birds than humans are. It may also be tempting to raise a baby animal as a pet, but this is 1. probably illegal (depending on where you live) and 2. would forever alter the life of an animal that will be happier in the wild. Instead, call the nearest wildlife rehab center and explain the situation, and follow their instructions. This is not to say that all wildlife rehab centers are perfect, nor that formerly untrained people can't learn how to care for an animal themselves. However, rehab centers will on average be able to provide better care due to training and matierials, so in the vast majority of cases it will be better for the animal.

Also, for those of you who have outdoor cats, please be aware that they will not only hunt and kill wildlife, but their saliva contains bacteria that is very dangerous for birds, so even if a bird escapes after being attacked, it will probably die a slow and terrible death, and possibly spread the illness to other birds as well. Cats can severely damage the population of native songbirds and other creatures, so please consider keeping them indoors or otherwise take precautions to prevent attacks.

Explore the Facility!

The Bird Room

The Sick Ward

The Kitchen


The Hospital

The Turtle Room

The Aviaries


Here's my youtube channel Geckoatmeal Youtube!