Crows (AMRC & FICR)

Crows are amazingly intelligent birds, which makes them incredibly annoying to deal with. I love them anyways, one of my favorite birds, but oh boy they're a handful. First off, because they're very good at recognizing faces, we have to wear crow masks to prevent them from imprinting on humans. They're also very finicky with eating despite the fact they need 3 metric tons of food before they've had enough. Personally though, I think the hardest part about working with them is refraining from giving them kisses. The two kinds I've dealt with before are American Crows and Fish Crows. The only difference between the two is that Fish Crows are a bit smaller and possibly even sassier, though this is based on a small pool of information. We don't get crows in very often, which is good for the crows but sad for me because I love them.