Chimney Swifts are problem children. Beloved children, but problem children. The largest issue is that they are extremely fragile. If they break even one of their claws they have to be euthanized because they rely on their ability to climb so heavily. They also need their feathers to be in excellent condition to be released, and if they get held back too long they might miss their migration. They're also very dusty, all the time. Fun fact, birds have dandruff, and swifts and other kinds of swallows have a LOT of it. When they're tiny babies they look like deranged muppets with an alchohol problem. When you try to feed them, they produce sounds similar to a dolphin crossed with a chainsaw and bob their head around so violently you physically cannot feed them. They get a little less bobby with time, but for the first few days they're impossible. And if they don't beg, you have to *very* carefully pry their fragile glass-boned mouth open and hope they don't spit out the worm you slide down their throat. A cool trick, if you blow on them, it can prompt them to start begging since it feels similar to the air current from their mother's wings. Despite all their troubles, they're really cool birds. Since they live in chimneys, it's not uncommon for them to climb up your shirt while you feed them, which is very endearing. And the chainsaw-dolphin noises grow on you. Kinda.