Many say that Cardinals are visitors from heaven. As a Wildlife Rehaber, I can say with relative confidence they are the spawn of Satan. A cooperative NOCA isn't per se rare, many of them beg well and are relativly unproblematic. But at the drop of a dime, the sweet little baby you fed with no issue half an hour ago will sudden decide to try to kill you and also God if it were capable. You'd imagine a song bird to be relativly incapable of doing damage, but Cardinals eat seeds. They have a beak designed for cracking open seeds that are much harder to break open than human skin. Cardinals bite HARD. They’re not as bad as a squirrel or something, but as far as birds go they’re both capable and likely to hurt you. Overall though, they’re not the worst. They can be cooperative when they want to be, but they’re no angel. Livin la vida noca.