One of the sweetest, most precious birdies to encounter while rehabing. They are very common patients, possibly due to their frequency in urban areas. There's almost always at least ten mocking birds in the facility during bird season (the summer, when most nesting is happening), and usually more. One of their best traits, aside from being absolutly adorable, is that they almost always eat well. Many birds don't want to eat when they come into rehab due to stress or illness, however it's very rare to find a mocking bird that does not CONSTANTLY want food. When you walk up to their cage, they immediatly start begging for food by squating, puffing out their little wings, and opening their mouth as wide as they can. This is accompanied by a tiny little chirp, which almost sounds like the beep of a smoke alarm. Overally they're very polite little gentlemen that sit on their perches and wait for you to shove a mealworm down their throat. I've even occasionally observed them feeding younger birds, so overall I would say they are the biggest sweeties of the bird world. You'll *very* occasionally get a deranged psychopath bird that escapes his cage every time you open it and forces you to chase him around the facility constantly, but they're few and far in between. S tier bird!