This catagorey coveres both red-headed and red-bellied woodpeckers, as they are quite similar as birds. A woodpecker is a woodpecker, and a woodpecker is full of seething hatred. Even a woodpecker on its deathbed would rather stab you than allow itself to be helped. Younger woodpeckers will be *relativly* nice, but still regularly need to be seperated from other birds for vicious stabbing incidents. They can also be sadistic in unexpected ways, such as the woodpecker who licked my coworker's eyeball. Fun fact, woodpecker tongues wrap around their skull, so they're VERY long and VERY good at licking. Fortunatly since we mostly deal with juveiles we don't *usually* have holes punched in our arms, but they're on about the same level as cardinals as far as instilling fear goes. Only thing that tops them are raptors since they're a lot less physically capable of mauling you.